Face Lifting (Rhytidectomy)

Stop the aging of your face and make it look younger

Symptoms like wrinkles will show up as aging.

You can renew your facial skin and look younger with Face Lifting surgery.


Why it's done:


As you get older, the appearance and shape of your face is altered due to normal age-related changes. Your skin becomes less elastic and looser, and fat deposits decrease in some areas of your face and increase in others. 


 Age-related changes in your face that may be reduced with a face-lift include the following:


Sagging appearance of your cheeks

Excess skin at your lower jawline (jowls)

Deepening of the fold of skin from the side of your nose to the corner of your mouth

Sagging skin and excess fat in the neck (if the procedure includes a neck lift)


A face-lift isn't a treatment for superficial wrinkles, sun damage, creases around the nose and upper lip, or irregularities in skin color.




After your face-lift, you will experience bruising and swelling, which lasts about two to three weeks. Some people heal more quickly while others will heal more slowly. Even though you may not wish to go out in public during that time, you should begin to feel well in the first several days after surgery


Length Of Operation: 2-4 hour

Going Back To Normal Life: 1 week

Full Recovery: 2 week